Monday, October 31, 2011

We're not voting our way out

Robb takes a swing and hits it out of the park. Take the time to read it all - it's worth it.

While not completely convinced, I tend to agree that the fight will be predicated by a total economic collapse. It is coming (both of the above). What are you doing to prepare for it?

Act Free.

Friday, October 14, 2011

I've Been Hearing The "R" Word A Lot

I've noticed a lot in public conversations I've overheard across the past few months that I've heard the "R" word several times. No, not Republican. Or retarded.

The word I've been hearing is "revolution". I work in a very public place, and the conversations that take place there are likewise very public.

That leads me to believe one thing - people are ANGRY. And they know exactly why the Second Amendment was put into place. And they are nigh unto putting it into practice.

May God keep us from that end if there is another way out of this mess. And if not, may he grant us safety, wisdom, good eyesight, an unbreakable resolve, and a steady trigger finger.

Petitions for Restoration of Gun Rights!

Via Robb comes this link to a post suggesting several petitions to sign on the White House web site. As he says, don't worry about getting added to a list. If you aren't already on one, you're not trying hard enough.

And yes, I registered and signed them all.

Also, check out this post from Mike, and act accordingly. This bill would be a great thing for freedom-lovers.