Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Newsweek Trots Out Discredited SPLC Lawyer Mark Potok to Decry 'Patriot' Groups | NewsBusters.org

Newsweek Trots Out Discredited SPLC Lawyer Mark Potok to Decry 'Patriot' Groups | NewsBusters.org:

"In vilifying the Tea Party, Potok forgot to mention that a large majority of violent incidents at last summer's town hall meetings -- precursors to the Tea Party protests -- were perpetrated by liberals, Democrats, and their allies.

Potok didn't seem concerned when SEIU thugs beat Kenneth Gladney for distributing Gadsden Flags. Maybe it has something to do with Potok's wild belief that Gadsden Flags can indirectly incite violence.

And of course, the liberals so concerned about political violence were not terribly worried when scores of left-wing protesters called for the death of George W. Bush, Republicans generally, and even American soldiers. The supposedly wild and offensive signs at Tea Party rallies look like Hallmark greeting cards compared to the vitriol displayed at many anti-war and anti-capitlist protests since the turn of the century (examples)."

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